Suitcase Ministry
Pack an extra bag!
Every 4-6 weeks, Global Health Ministries (GHM) sends a 40’ container overseas, full of medical equipment and supplies for waiting partners. Throughout the year, travelers also hand-carry items overseas. Sometimes these are items needed more urgently by GHM’s partners. Occasionally, we have a surplus of donated supplies in our warehouse that are available for travelers and other mission-related organizations. GHM offers this surplus with the understanding that these items will be given as a free gift to enhance local healthcare. In 2019, GHM sent 167 suitcases to 26 countries, hand-carried by travelers who delivered them to partners eager to receive their contents.
If you would like to explore the possibility of carrying an extra suitcase overseas as part of our Suitcase Ministry, please click on the links below, download and fill out the forms, and return to scottlien@ghm.org. Please allow up to two (2) weeks for review and processing.
In order to continue this ministry of healing and hope for the world's poor, Global Health Ministries asks that the traveler and/or US-based organization contribute one (or more!) of the following:
Time gift. Please join us in the warehouse as a volunteer, sorting medical supplies and related items in preparation for shipments overseas.
In-kind gift. Help us collect donated medical supplies like gloves, dressings, syringes, needles, suture, and more. This will restock our shelves for the next traveler and/or shipment overseas.
Financial gift. Suggested donation amount is $100 per suitcase.
Did You Bring Me Sutures?
Happy travelers bound for Madagascar gathered at the GHM warehouse in 2019 to fill suitcases for SALFA, the health department of the Malagasy Lutheran Church. Sandra paid special attention to lab supplies for Ejeda and Manambaro Hospitals, where she had served as a volunteer early in her career. Pastor Kris packed GHM Newborn Kits, one of her congregation’s service projects. Her congregation has also provided scholarship support for SEFAM, the Lutheran School of Nursing, and Kris was pleased to pack graduation gifts of stethoscopes and blood pressure cuffs. Twelve suitcases were filled with everything from medicine droppers and surgical gloves to a microscope.
Dr. Heuric, medical director at Manambaro Hospital, greeted the group with this question: “Did you bring me sutures?” They were at the top of his list. They are that important.