Grassroots Efforts
Global Problems, Local Solutions
The promotion of health, in its broadest sense, continues to be the central focus of Global Health Ministries (GHM) and its church partners. Extensive research conducted all over the world has clearly shown that an exclusive focus on improving patient care does save lives, but neglects the fact that most people in resource-poor settings never get to a hospital. They suffer and too often die at home.
We talk about “health systems” (not just healthcare, but integrated systems that promote healthy choices at the community level). Wide evidence-based research demonstrates that a community-based approach is the most effective way for whole communities to adopt habits that promote health and even prevent common deadly illnesses.
GHM seeks to help our partners listen to communities and discover ways to mobilize community-based efforts that improve health. Most often, Community Health Workers (CHWs) play a vital role in these grassroots efforts.
Community-Based Health Improvement
Everything done in a community to improve health, including what individuals and families do, is part of what we define as “Community-Based Primary Health Care” or CBPHC.
A mother notices her child isn’t feeling well and then he starts to get the ‘runs.’ When he doesn’t get better after a day or so, she seeks out her mother’s advice. Based on that she starts giving him more fluids and adding a bit more food to his meals. He gets better and returns to playing with friends… This story could have played itself out anywhere, at any point in human history. It is part of CBPHC, even if mom never had contact with a health care program, system, or policy.
CBPHC includes whatever individuals and families do to: prevent and treat diseases and injuries; reproductive health; provide sustenance; and maintain spiritual and emotional health.
Of course, not everything a community chooses to do will improve health, but the power of community-based efforts far surpasses any other method of influencing public health. In fact, the vast ‘majority’ of health care in every community happens outside the reach of a health care system and its programs. Improving health in a community fundamentally depends on CBPHC.
Please explore the links below for deeper understanding of CBPHC.
What do you do if your neighbor is choking? Village Health Promoter training in El Salvador shares techniques to provide aid.

Students trained as Village Health Promoters in El Salvador prompted health education in their schools.

Teaching hand washing technique and coronavirus mitigation in Nicaragua.
Distributing treated bednets and information about malaria prevention in Nigeria.
Learning to make soap in Nigeria, a new revenue opportunity for this village.

Young Maasai CHWs in Tanzania learning to use a blood pressure cuff.

Asha and Miriam learning to ride bicycles, which will help them travel as CHWs between villages in Tanzania.

Community-led clean water initiatives bring joy in southern Madagascar.

GHM sends essential supplies for First Aid Kits used by CHWs in Tanzania and beyond. Kits are regularly re-stocked as supplies are used.

CHWs in the area around Parkijuli Hospital in northern India are focused on identifying and treating villagers with TB.

A new well, this community's priority for better health, brings clean water to a village in Nigeria.
Sharing ideas at a Community Health Worker meeting in Nigeria.