Newborn Kit Challenge!
The gift of a GHM Newborn Kit is a blessing for the woman who receives it, providing basic items to help her clothe and care for her child, and celebrate new life!
Importantly, the promise of this gift can also motivate her to connect with a healthworker when she is expecting - a connection that can save her life. GHM sends Newborn Kits along with medical supplies and eqipment to partners in Cameroon, Central African Republic, Liberia, Madagascar, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, where they are used to encourage women to visit their local hospital or clinic for prenatal care and assisted delivery. Once that connection is made, mom is more likely to return for postnatal care, vaccinations for all her family and other health interventions - and to tell her friends and family they should do the same! The Newborn Kit is a blessing multiplier!
GHM partners are asking for more Newborn Kits! This year, our goal is to send 10,000 Newborn Kits to waiting partners overseas. Will you help us meet that challenge?
What’s in a GHM Newborn Kit?
Instructions and a description of the items that are gathered and assembled for each Newborn Kit can be found here.
Where do I send the completed kits?
Kits can be mailed or delivered to Global Health Ministries at:
7831 Hickory Street NE, Minneapolis, MN 55432
If you pack them, GHM will ship them from your door to GHM!
We love visitors! We encourage you to bring your completed kits directly to our warehouse in Fridley, Minnesota. But if you can’t get to Fridley, we can help you get your kits to GHM. Find out how here!
Any suggestions for where to find Newborn Kit items?
Walmart’s Mainstays bath towels are a good size and quality for Newborn Kits (not too fluffy!) and can often be found on sale. Here are links to sources for larger quantities (100+) of Newborn Kit items.
During a 2023 visit, Rev. Dr. G. Victor Padmore, Bishop of the Lutheran Church in Liberia, commented on the importance of GHM Newborn Kits for Phebe Hospital, where he served as Chaplain before being elected Bishop of the national church. For more than a decade Bishop Padmore personally distributed Newborn Kits to women at Phebe - women, he pointed out, who came “without even a piece of cloth to wrap their children in.”
GHM sent 7,231 Newborn Kits to waiting partners in 2023, including for Phebe which continues to give a Newborn Kit to women who deliver their babies at the hospital. In 2024 GHM aims to increase that number, sending 10,000 Newborn Kits to partners like the Lutheran Church in Liberia to support their health outreach. It’s a project that creates connections that count - with each other as we rally around a purpose and work together, with our sisters and brothers overseas, and connections for young women with health workers who can make all the difference for them and their families. And for Bishop Padmore, it is “one of the ways we minister as the Church, through you!”