Global Health Ministries
2024 Year In Review
A Note From Our Executive Director
In 2024, in partnership with donors and volunteers across America, GHM grew the impact we were able to make around the world. Together we “helped the hands that heal” in many remote communities where access to health education and services is virtually non-existent. Yet, in 2025, needs are growing exponentially due to major cutbacks in US international assistance. Together, we remain steadfast in solidarity with our neighbors around the globe.
Doug Cox

Our Mission
countries served
health programs, dispensaries, clinics, hospitals and nursing schools
pounds of supplies and equipment shipped
people served through community health programs
Populations near GHM partner clinics, hospitals, and programs
“Your partnership brings tears of joy to my eyes! This indeed is truly what it means to 'help the hands that heal'. Having this equipment in our hospital has been our prayer and dream over the years, and seeing it come to pass means a great deal to us."
Dr. Paye N. Gbanmie
Medical Director | Bensonville Hospital, Liberia

Our Work
We seek to offer holistic support to our country partners with capacity-building equipment and supplies, expert consulting, and funding.
13 containers shipped in 2024 with over $4.7 million worth of supplies and equipment to 6 countries. That’s 272,423 pounds including things like 4,049 blankets/quilts, 10,613 newborn kits, 165,657 rolled bandages, 972,376 gloves, and more!
Launched active recruitment of consultants with expertise in healthcare finance, leadership, governance, and community health to collaborate with our partners in system strengthening.
Five active consultations (El Salvador, Liberia, Madagascar, Nigeria, and Tanzania)
Community Health
Expansion in populations served by community health programs to 495,671 individuals (in Nigeria, Madagascar, and El Salvador).
“We are grateful for your support of our mission to witness to and glorify God by providing holistic, equitable, and accessible quality healthcare services to communities. We value the uniqueness of our programs and the existing partnership between our two organizations."
Dr Paul Z. Mmbando
Health Programs Director | Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania

Our Impact
Well over 1,000,000 people served through our global partnerships.
Hover over a highlighted country to see what GHM has been up to this year!
From Minnesota With Love
The number of volunteers serving at our warehouse in Minneapolis, MN grew by 20% in 2024 and volunteer hours grew by 66% for a total of 2,400 individual volunteers and 27,500 hours
Bethel University PA Program Students at the GHM Warehouse

Our Finances
For each dollar GHM spent, over 90 cents went toward program costs and under 10 cents went to administration and fundraising costs.
“Thanks ever so much for your tireless effort in making sure that Curran Lutheran Hospital is placed on the map for improvement of health care delivery service.”
Alexander S. Gargu
Board Chair | Curran Lutheran Hospital, Liberia

Thank You!
All of this work would not be possible without your support and engagement.
There are a variety of ways to support the work of GHM.
Global Health Opportunities
Share your expertise with our partners through short or long term consulting and volunteer opportunities.
Volunteer in the Warehouse
Help pack medical supplies for shipment overseas - no medical background required!