Request a Speaker

Woman presenting award for service excellence to GHM volunteers in Minneapolis-St Paul

We Love to Tell the Story

Global Health Ministries (GHM) is often asked to visit congregations to share stories of the impact of our partnerships. Whether invited to bring the message during worship on a Sunday morning, as the topic for an adult education hour, or speaking to groups who are doing a GHM hands-on service project, we love to do it. We have also shared our story at Synod Assemblies, and at Synodical Women’s Organization (SWO) gatherings.

Speakers for GHM include staff members as well as Board members and volunteers who are passionate about what we do together. Pastor Doug Cox, GHM’s Executive Director, loves his role as a speaker for GHM. Doug is a Lutheran pastor, ordained by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). He has served congregations in the U.S. and as an ELCA missionary to Madagascar before joining GHM in 2015.

Get in touch.

If you would like to talk to us about having someone visit your group or congregation, please contact Kim Dickey, GHM’s Communications Director, through this form.


You can help the hands that heal.