Legacy Giving
GHM Legacy Partners are a community of givers who are making health for all a part of their lasting legacy. By planning a future gift to GHM, Legacy Partners help ensure that our work will continue until every person on the planet has access to health.
Becoming a GHM Legacy Partner is one of the most powerful actions you can take to give the gift of health for all. A legacy commitment is an investment in transparent, sustainable work that will directly impact some of the world’s most vulnerable populations and transform the future for generations to come.
Ways to Give
Beneficiary Designations
Your retirement plans, life insurance policies, and annuities can all help bring health to communities in need.
A Gift in Your Will
Whether you designate a specific amount or leave a percentage of your estate, your legacy gift will empower GHM’s continued work.
SAMPLE BEQUEST LANGUAGE: I [name], of [city, state ZIP], bequeath the sum of $[ ] or [ ] percent of my estate to Global Health Ministries, a nonprofit organization with a business address of 7831 Hickory St. NE, Minneapolis, MN 55432 and tax identification number 36-3532234, for its unrestricted use and purpose.
Non-cash Assets
Donating certain non-cash assets can provide significant tax benefits while advancing our mission.
Life Insurance
Once the security of loved ones is no longer needed, your life insurance policy can be redirected to help support your favorite charity. Assigning ownership of your life insurance policy to a charity like Global Health Ministries can provide you with an income tax charitable deduction and reduce your future estate tax liability.
Real Estate
When you make a gift of property you have owned for longer than one year, you obtain an income tax charitable deduction equal to the property’s full fair market value., and avoid capital gains tax on the appreciation of the property. You may also deed your home to a charity and remain living in it for the rest of your lifetime. You receive an immediate income tax charitable deduction for a portion of your home’s value since the gift cannot be revoked.
Charitable Gift Annuities
A charitable gift annuity is an opportunity to make a gift and receive a tax deduction and yearly income for life. It is an irrevocable contractual agreement between a donor and a charitable organization. The older you are at the time the annuity is established, the higher your annuity rates. You may also designate a beneficiary of these payments. If you fund your annuity with appreciated property rather than cash, you benefit even more because you reduce capital gains tax consequences.
Charitable Remainder Trusts
With a charitable remainder trust you can receive income each year for the rest of your life from assets you give to the trust you create, and you receive an immediate tax deduction. Your income can be either variable or a fixed amount. After your lifetime, the balance in the trust goes to the charities of your choice.
Get in touch
If you have any questions for our team, we want to provide the best support for you. Please reach out!
Also, if you’ve already included GHM in your will or estate plan, let us know! We’d love to officially welcome you as a Legacy Partner.
Or contact Mary Brown, Director of Philanthropy, through the form at right. You can also reach Mary at marybrown@ghm.org or 763-586-9590 for more information.
Legacy Partner Stories
Joyful Generosity
Global Health Ministries could never accomplish our unique mission and calling to help the hands that heal without the incredible generosity of our donors. One of those giving hearts who felt inspired to give throughout her life was Phyllis Berkland from Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Phyllis was a loving, devoted mother of 7, grandmother of 16, great-grandmother of 26, and friend to all who knew her. She enjoyed hosting family and friends and making incredible quilts for her family, her community and missionaries overseas. She loved being a part of GHM’s work and wanted people across Africa to have their voices heard and needs met. Although her earthly life ended on January 16th, 2020, her legacy will live on through the lives she impacted via GHM. Phyllis always put other people first and felt called to support GHM’s Angel Fund. And she continually invited others to join her in her joyful generosity! Doug, Phyllis’ son, said that it is so appropriate that she donated to the “Angel Fund,” because that describes her. You, too, can join Phyllis in giving to GHM’s Angel Fund and make an incredible difference in the lives of others! Your gift of any size, combined with the gifts of women and men “Angels,” provides timely, strategic funds to meet urgent needs around the world. Together, you will continue Christ’s holistic ministry for the health and well-being of the communities GHM serves.
Missionaries Still
Like many missionaries, Pastor Donald and Grace Flaten spent sparingly and saved wisely so they could live generously. Following his ordination, the Flatens moved their family to Cameroon. For the next 38 years across various parts of West Africa, they would train pastors, direct primary schools, and build and staff medical dispensaries. Don and Grace often recounted the hope that would arrive in a container shipped from Global Health Ministries.
During their retirement years, the Flatens lived out this missionary zeal as faithful volunteers and generous donors for GHM’s shipping ministry. It brought them great joy to be of continuing witness and service to their West African neighbors. And in their most senior years, the Flatens discovered a way to continue their ministry in West Africa, even beyond their lifetimes. Confident that God would continue to provide for their own physical needs, the Flatens gifted some of their savings investments to an endowment fund that would make quarterly gifts to GHM in perpetuity.
It is the general policy of GHM that all gifts shall be presumed to be for all charitable purposes (i.e. unrestricted) unless there is an explicit restriction. This allows the organization to apply the funds to the most pressing needs at the time of funding.
The information found on this page is intended for informational purposes only. We recommend consulting a trusted financial advisor before making decisions involving your estate.