Global Poverty Experience

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The final experience day was extremely powerful. My son and his buddy were able to completely describe the simulation project and talk about how it felt to be the person who was sick, or the person who went hungry, or the person who was chosen to get to go to school from a family group.

~ Parent, St. Victoria Parish



Youth experiencing working at the Rock Quarry during a Global Poverty Experience

“I’ve heard nothing but wonderful comments about the Global Poverty Experience! Some of the pastors in the room said it was the best event we’ve had. The kids were engaged on a level I haven’t seen before, and the volunteers said it was easy and fun. We’re all pleased with how it went.”

~ Deacon Kirsten Kessel, First Lutheran Church of Crystal


Ignite Hearts for Mission

Global Poverty Experience offers a new way to engage your group and ignite hearts for mission.

This fun immersion experience is a 90-minute live-action game with purpose. Global Poverty Experience was designed for Youth Groups, Sunday School, VBS, or as an intergenerational opportunity, to inspire a deeper understanding of global poverty. Participants “travel” to a rural African village for 5 pretend days. There, they work together with their group to complete several tasks necessary to survive . The GPE is designed to help participants recognize the daily challenges of poverty and empathize with people experiencing it around the world.

Get in touch.

Let us know if you have questions about GHM’s Global Poverty Experience. You can connect with Kim Dickey, Communications Director, through the form at right.


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