Christmas Day: Join the singing!

I pray this season will be a celebration of abundant life for you!  May you experience the abundance not of personal command of wealth or things but, rather, a celebration of the abundance of God.  

A Merry Christmas is born today through every act of love that you and I are stirred to share locally and around the world …

  • Every time we care for people more impoverished than ourselves…love is shared.

  • Each time we stand in solidarity with someone who feels alone…hope is shared.

  • Each time we start a day and continue it in prayer…peace is shared.

  • Every time we focus on generating a life of greater dignity for the hurting…joy is shared.

Jesus came to share God’s love in concrete ways that enact neighborliness and transform the world.  May God bless your thoughts and actions with the gifts of the Christ child this Christmas, and may God’s abundance empower you to share love, to share hope, to share peace and joy.  

Together in faith and service,

Doug Cox


Seeing Beyond Scarcity: The Church as an Eye-Clinic (Advent I: II Kings 6:8-23)


Advent 4: Songs of Joy and Solidarity – Join the singing!