Christmas in the Neighborhood

2024 Advent Devotional

A gift from Global Health Ministries

On that first Christmas morning, in a dingy stable, the King of Kings was born as a helpless baby.

One translation of John 1:14 (The Message) describes it like this,

The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood.

From his first newborn cry, Jesus’ neighborhood included working-class shepherds as well as wealthy kings from far-off lands. As he grew, Jesus went to the homes of ordinary families like yours and mine, and he spent time with everyone from tax collectors to prostitutes, soldiers, fishermen, business owners and government officials. He knew no strangers.

Jesus loved us—his neighbors. This love is both a blessing and a call to discover this neighborly love of Jesus. We invite you to let love of neighbor orient your thoughts this Advent. We invite you to discover how loving our neighbor is Jesus’ way of transforming this world.

But who really is our neighbor?

Jesus calls us to step off our porch and meet our neighbors down the street, but Jesus’ “neighborhood” reaches further - around the globe.

Join us each week in Advent for a meditation with Dr. Walter Brueggemann and Rev. Doug Cox, a suggested prayer, and an opportunity to meet neighbors around the globe through Global Health Ministries.

Eyes for the New Creation

Advent 1: Hope

Guiding our feet

Advent 2: Peace

God’s neighborly economy

Advent 3: Love

Songs of Joy and Solidarity

Advent 4: Joy

Join the singing!

Christmas Day

Give the gift of health this season

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